The new sheriff doesn’t give a damn.
There is a 10 year old boy in Prince George’s County who still has not been in school this school year. It’s déjà vu all over again. Prior to the Education of All Handicapped Children’s act (EHA) in 1975 and recreated as Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), principals routinely told parents of children with disabilities that the school did not have a program for them. The law changed all that, or did it? Because that is exactly what principals have told this family about their son. The issue at hand is that Omari uses a wheelchair for mobility. The schools have just said that they cannot accommodate the wheelchair. Oh, but the Americans with Disabilities Act say that they are required to do that. In fact, EVERY year Prince George's County Public Schools has certified they are in compliance. So how can so many eleme Laws are great only when enforced.
The US Dept of Education should be enforcing IDEA. The Trump administration is the new sheriff in town and really they do NOT care. The staff of the Department has been decimated and those folks who are left are not about to make waves. So far in spite of the pressure from advocates, Omari is not in school.
People worry that if the Department of Education is totally disbanded as Trump wants to happen, the money for children with disabilities will disappear.
The money will probably be distributed by the Department of Justice since it is guaranteed by IDEA and acts of Congress. The money is the least of it. Maryland gets about 5% of its funds for kids with disabilities from the feds. The real issue is the USOE’s hammer to make sure that states enforce the requirements of IDEA and that the states respond appropriately to families who appeal to the State Department of Education for redress when the local system is failing to meet its responsibility. Several years ago Maryland was cited for failure to adequately address family appeals. What will happen if there is no pressure from the feds to keep Maryland in line? The record is not stellar.
We are hearing a great deal about the loss of federal dollars in all manner of places. It’s not all about money. Oversight is critical.
And, as Rhett Butler said, “frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn”.
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