Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Ain't Got no Respect

 Ain’t Got no Respect- Flor-ida-dum


In the good old days, teachers were not well paid; but they did get a lot of respect.  If you were a teacher or had teachers in your family, you were proud of what you had achieved.   Of course it was also true that for a woman there were essentially three professional choices- the other two being nurse or secretary.

If a kid got in trouble in school, he sometimes didn’t tell his parents for fear he would only get in more trouble at home.

Fast forward to “modern times”.   Teachers are receiving a decent salary for the work they do.  Salaries are even on the rise.  Women are able to move up the administrative ranks to become administrators and even superintendents.  That is pretty much the good news.

Today. If a child gets into trouble the parents are as likely to call a lawyer as they are to call the school to apologize.  Kids aren’t afraid to let their families know they “done wrong” because they expect the parent will work to get them out of any consequences.

Educators are trained to do their jobs which include researching and writing appropriate curriculum.  Not so in Flor-ida-dum and other states where curriculum is written by politicians and has been weaponized to secure next year’s election.  

Families are encouraged to report teachers who stray from the party line and allow students to discuss issues of concern to the students.  The whole reporting system is reminiscent of Joe McCarthy and his House Unamerican Activities committee when Americans were encouraged to report Communists in our midst during the big RED scare.  

Pacing guides, not children’s learning, determine when a teacher should move on to the next topic in the curriculum.

Now the ultimate of disrespect for teachers, the Governor of Flor-ida-dum is recruiting retired military to come and teach in Flor-ida-dum schools.   People who have served in wartime but have NO training or education on how to teach children.  Well at least they are familiar with using a weapon, another Flor-ida-dum idea, arm teachers to prevent school violence.  

Certainly is confusing why someone would not want to teach in Flor-ida-dum?  As a teacher you will be spied upon and reported if you are suspected of not following the party line, you can’t decide the curriculum, nor how to pace what you are teaching AND your government leader thinks so little of your professional skill set that he is bringing in retired military to take your place.

Rodney Dangerfield isn’t the only one with no respect, maybe it’s time to bring back the good old days.

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