Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Stay in your lane

 Stay in your lane


Being a politician is tough.  No sooner do you win an election then you need to start raising money and campaigning for the next cycle.  No question, it is hard.  And let’s face it, the reputation of politicians is not one to inspire confidence.  Then there is the issue of getting noticed. Name recognition is critical to being elected.   But still there is a right way and a wrong way to do business.

And getting ahead on the backs and best interest of kids is the WRONG way to go about getting reelected or being mentioned for higher office.

For some reason, this seems to be open season on kids who are LBGTQ.  As if they didn’t have enough on their plates trying to feel safe and figure out who they are, now they have government on their case.  We have states where teachers are being threatened with punishment for discussing issues related to gay or trans youth.  In an era of teacher shortages, doesn’t seem to make sense to threaten to take away a teacher’s free speech.  Not to mention depriving kids of one of their most trusted allies in time of stress.

In most schools, mornings begin with a pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.  Most of us remember the part where we pledge to the “flag of the United States of America, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all”.  Whatever has happened to that indivisible part?   What is the problem with politicians wanting to divide us by race, faith, gender, and ethnic background?  Leaders are supposed to lead by bringing people together not tearing them apart.

Middle school is the toughest time of a kid’s life.  They are transforming into adult bodies in fits and starts, some ahead of the race, others lagging behind.  There is huge pressure to be like everyone else at a time when no one is like anyone else.  Teachers can help sort these issues out for kids.  Teachers can explain how we are all going to get to the place called “grown up” just not at the same time or in the same way.  Teachers can sustain a child’s self-esteem until that child can sustain on his or her own. Politicians need to stay out of the school business.

Their lane should be busy enough, stay in it.   You don’t know what you are doing in our lane.

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