Reward the good, or maybe the bad?
Let’s say you have a school
that has great test scores, good staff retention, and is creating an innovative
learning environment. If you were giving
out money you would probably want to reward that school so they could continue
to do more good things. Or maybe you would decide they were good enough and you could give your money to other schools.
Then there is this other
school. Test scores are in the
pits. Teachers are standing in line to
get out of there. The school can’t seem
to get traction to do what it needs to do.
Perhaps if they had some extra money they might be able to turn things
around. Then again why throw good money after bad? Look how poorly they have done with the money they already have.
Then there are the schools in
the middle of the heap. How do they
break out of mediocrity and would they break out if only they had the money to
do so. Or why aren't they doing something better with the resources they do have?
Money is finite. As all of our parents used to say, it doesn’t
grow on trees. School boards need to
decide which schools will get the money that is available and how much will
they get.
In the past, Baltimore City
Public Schools has made the decision to reward those schools that are doing a
great job of educating kids. Those
schools got an extra share of the money pot.
However, this year the School
Board took a turn south. For the
upcoming school year, schools with poor test scores, high poverty rates and
poor staff retention are going to get extra money in the hope that money can
help to turn those schools around.
Because budgets are a zero sum game that means the other schools will get less.
There are multiple issues
here. First of all, are we punishing the
good schools and rewarding the bad ones?
Or how can a bad school get better without extra help. Then there is the issue of how do you define
a high poverty school? The present
federal administration has changed the definition of poverty so that now fewer
kids are living in poverty. Of course,
their life situations haven’t changed at all, we just changed the definition. Who knew you could use language to get rid of poverty. Baltimore is a city of immigrants both recent
and long past. Many of those children
are learning English as a second language.
Not surprisingly, the language deficit impacts their scores on the
tests. Schools are punished for lower
test scores but we don’t go much farther than blaming the teachers. Maybe more intensive language instruction for
those children for whom English is a second language, might improve test scores. More intensive instruction costs money.
Money is finite. There is only so much to go around. How do we decide who gets an extra
share. All schools should be created
equally, they aren’t and some are more equal than others. Do we reward the good or the bad?